On Tuesday, I went to visit with my blogging friends... when I got there I saw Monday's post on almost everyone's site. I thought, well maybe it's a blogging holiday, and nobody told me.
Yesterday, before I headed over to house sit, I checked in again....still Monday's post....well they have all gone on holiday and didn't invite me...no, my feelings are not hurt...*sniff*
Today, when I get in, I look to see if anyone has returned from their getaway....without me....*sniff, sniff*......What the...? I've missed 2 and 3 postings at almost everyone's site!!!!!
Have I angered the blogger gods in some way?....Was there a monthly fee I missed somewhere? .....Is this some kind of joke!?....... Well, it's not very funny!
I'm trying to catch up.....all I can say is....