Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Prayer for Tracy

2nd - surgery after chemo is completed
3rd - radiation to take care of any remaining cancerous cells
After good lab results (I was really worried about them because I am trying to catch a cold again) and a positive doctor's appointment (he really thinks the tumor is totally shrinking), I was able to start my 3rd session of chemo today.
So, I am staying on schedule - yippie!!!
My Neulasta shot is scheduled for late afternoon on Thursday, 12/18.
I ask that you pray for me especially on that day and a few days after.
This is the shot that kicks the production of bone marrow into high gear.
This is the one that "kicks my butt" each time due to horrific bone pains.
We will keep you posted if anything changes.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Moon Watching

Sky watchers will be dazzled by an exceptionally high, bright, and large Moon. In fact, this Moon is 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full Moons this year. Why? The Moon is both in its full phase and at a point in its orbit that is nearest Earth, called its perigee. When these events occur together, the Moon is closer to Earth than usual. The effect? The Full Cold Moon will appear especially large near the horizon as the Sun sets. The Moon is also high at this time of year; when it's overhead (near midnight), it will light up the landscape. Take a magical stroll and see your world at night. You won't need a flashlight!
Thought I would pass along this note from the Almanac Bulletin~Enjoy!
Article and Photos~The Old Farmer's Almanac
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Going Blonde

While the rest of the nation hit the stores on Black Friday, I took advantage of our two day reprieve from an early winter and painted the thrift chairs I got on my Birthday. Now they will by no means pass a close-up inspection, for while I consider myself fairly competent in a multitude of craft genres, Spray painting requires a certain finesse and patience that I simply do not possess. Maybe in the Spring I will take them back out and re-do them, but probably I will simply embrace their little imperfections and never look back.
The table is still in the process of being stripped down and will require a couple more days of work. Of course in my true 'put the cart before the horse' form, I eagerly removed the current dinning set, so there are currently four lovely chairs sitting in my kitchen and NO table. Sweet hubby hesitantly asked this morning...."How long will we be without a table?" Sorry, honey! Soon I promise:)
On a completely different note~

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Giving Thanks

I have the ability and resources necessary to cook our meals and wash our clothes.
During the day, I often touch base with those I hold dear, my parents who provided the foundation of love and instruction that I have built my life upon. My brother and sisters who are not only my siblings but my closest friends and confidants.
I am often caught off guard and filled with happiness as I recognize the little moments of wonder and beauty that remind me that life is more than chores and expectations.
In the evening, as my husband returns from work, the focus shifts to family together time. Talking, relaxing and relating our day.
At the close of the day, I snuggle my son into bed and I am humbled by the infinite gifts the Lord has provided, in spite of my sins and shortcomings.

I am thankful that I have the ability to Praise Him openly, for his provisions and grace.
And it occurs to me that even though time has altered the appearance of our world dramatically since the first Thanksgiving, the things that we are most thankful for have not changed.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fields of Gold

Monday, November 3, 2008
What's A Christ-Follower To Do? VOTE!
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities...." Ephesians 6:12

Yesterday, my Pastor reminded us that as Christians we are to make our choices based on "the core values that sync up to biblical truth." Tomorrow, when I cast my ballot I will take that reminder to the polls.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tricks and Treats

There were lots of wonderful costumes to behold~ like this person in the Chewbacca outfit that looked for all the world like the real Chewie!

Frou Frou :-) Forgive me, I digress....

If you are looking for gifts for someone, or yourself, I highly recommend the Hidden Haven soaps and lotions... they are wonderful!!

Photo courtesy of Country Living
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Final Harvest
the summer garden's bounty ~

We also collected some green bell peppers to freeze and use through out the winter, and a few green tomatoes that I will pass along to my mother because she enjoys fried green tomatoes and I do not!

And a last delicate pink rose bud. I think I will snip it and bring it inside so that its petals don't get burned by the frost.
Monday, October 20, 2008
A thrifting we will go, a thrifting we will go....
I spent my birthday hopping from one Goodwill/Thrift store to another:-)
It was glorious~ wandering through isles of discarded items. I felt like I was on the Island of Misfit Toys....examining one little quirky treasure after another, each hoping some kind soul will take them home, clean, mend and love them.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out how someone could part with this precious little Homer Laughlin bowl, with its delicate floral bouquet and thin red rim. I gladly laid down the $1.51 required to remove it from the island, and when I got it home I gave it a warm bath and filled it with tart little Winesap apples. I think it is happy atop the linen chest, surrounded by new friends....
One of which is my Little Green Vase. I think the yellow dahlias are perfect for it, don't you agree?
I also purchased a project. You know what I mean.... you've got some decorating desire you've been mulling over in the back of your mind and as the idea begins to take on a definite shape, you start to look for objects to fit the bill. Then one day, it happens, you look around and~ Eureka!~ there it is!! Of course, in its current state is rarely the way you envisioned it, but you say to yourself, "It's PERFECT! All I have to do is....."
Now, sure, I realize you could just go out and by exactly what you are looking for, but, really now, where's the fun in that?
I have been wanting a white distressed farm table and chairs.
Yes, I think this will do nicely:-)
Sooooo, I better finish my second cup of coffee and get to it!
I wish you all a day filled with satisfying projects~Rhonda
Friday, October 17, 2008
Another Year Older....

A beautiful little green vase, handmade by Farmgirl Julie! If you haven't had a chance to view her creations, just click on the link and check them out.

Don't you think it will look perfect filled with yellow dahlias. As soon as it gets light, I think I will go and pick some....
Hope your day feels like a celebration~
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Find a Happy Place

What made the trip all the more special was being able to spend four days of uninterrupted time with the people who I hold most dear.
I am so grateful to belong to a very close knit family. I draw a sense of support and acceptance from them that I find no where else. We wash away the stress of hectic times with the occasional sob session and rounds of laughter that leave or sides aching and our eyes watery.
So while the trip allowed me to "disconnect" and convene with nature, the real source of renewal came from the chance to reconnect with the key parts of my foundation, the ones who have guided me and accompanied me along my path of life, the constant in any uncertainty. The happiest place I know....My Family.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
One Down...
All that is left to do now is rebuild the run area.... Sounds simple enough, huh?
Take a deep breath, count my blessings ~including a big "Praise the Lord" for a generous prescription of Naproxen~ and start again.
Hope your next few days are not nearly as physically demanding as mine are going to be;-) Rhonda