Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poor Kitty


My poor girl, Sadie is recovering from a run-in with a large rogue dog:-(
Hopefully her stitches can be removed tomorrow and the itchy wrap can come off. Then all she will have to do is wait for the fur on her right side to grow back.

Bless her she looks soooo pitiful.


Vickie said...

Your little kitty looks very perturbed at her bandage. Hope she mends well. Our kitty got into it and lost with a big dog, too. You're lucky - we had to have ours put to sleep.

Lettered Cottage said...

This is the 2nd hurt kitty I've read about today. :-(
Hope she gets better soon!

The Lettered Cottage

Heather said...

what a pretty girl! hope she gets better soon!

Stacy said...

Awww, I do wish your little kitty well!
