Michelle at Vintage Pastiche' has TAGGED me to play the "The 7 Things Nobody Knows" game. So here I go:
1) I LOVE to be in water. Swimming, boating, sitting on the shore and gazing at waves.... I love it all.
2) I own a canoe. I love to pack a picnic, put on a bathing suit and take the canoe out. My husband doesn't care for the canoe, he is more of a white water kayak man:) so usually it is just my son and I which provides precious moments of down time for us.
3) After telling you of my love of the water, you may find it odd that my biggest fear is drowning. I know, I don't understand it myself.
4) I love Jimmy Buffet! OK maybe not all of his music, some of the songs are just to crude for my taste, but I know every word of; Mother, Mother Ocean, Son of a Son of a Sailor, and He Went to Paris. I sing them loudly and with gusto:)
5) The smell of guavas makes me violently ill:( I mean really, what was the Lord thinking, those things are just nasty.
6) My junior year in High School I played Sandy in our school production of Grease. I was never allowed to live down the tight stretch pants.
7) Last, but not least, I can throw a 50lb bag of chicken feed over my shoulder and carry it down to my feed bins. I don't advise this last bit though, I have given myself a wicked case of tendinitis from it.
Now I need to tag 7 others to play.... Being new to blogging I am not sure if I know 7 people who haven't been tagged. So I am just going to start with four, if you have already been tagged, sorry....
1) Melissa at The Inspired Room 2) Esther at Esther Sunday's
3) Mary at Little Red House and 4) Julia at Chicken Scratch
Have fun ladies.